Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I’m Not Crazy – REALLY!

Today, I was committed to writing a new post for my food blog You Want Me to Cook? but as usual, I’ve gotten sidetracked by a bunch of other crap.  Also, the dogs have kept me quite entertained and always serve as a great distraction to things I have to get done.

Earlier today, while playing with Lola, I made up a “Ode to Lola Bean” song to the tune of ‘O Sole Mio.  Of course, I don’t have the voice of The Three Tenors… my version sounds more like a pirate’s parrot that has a head cold.  While Lola sat at perfect attention with her ears perked, Rampage kept trying to lick my face while bouncing up and down on my lap.  Nefi simply sat on the floor and howled.  I could only imagine what was going through their puppy brains at that moment.

I often “speak” for the dogs.  Now, I know animals can’t talk and what probably runs through their head is something like the following: FOOD, OUTSIDE, FOOD, TREATS, FOOD, PLAY, FOOD, SQUIRREL, FOOD, NAP.  They don’t feel emotion, like humans do, but I do think they have the ability to learn and pick up on cues.  For example, I dare you to say the word “treat” in my house.  If you do, be prepare to be mauled until you get them one.  Rampage and Nefi know basic commands and all three understand “no” especially when I’ve got my hands on my hips and am giving them the stink-eye.

Also, I think they definitely have distinct personalities.  Lola is fiercely protective and sneaky when she needs to be.  Rampage wants to be loved and has to be the center of attention.  Nefi, who has led a life of mostly luxury, is strong, in charge and is the leader of our little domesticated pack.  It’s because of these personalities that I feel like if they could speak, they’d say the following:

You got somethin’ to say to me jackass?
What?!?!  You said you wished you had help with the laundry.

Laugh all you want.  You know I’m 10xs more comfortable than you right now.

Yes, this is how I spend my days.  I think I need to get out more.