Friday, March 30, 2012

New sport for dogs?

I always try to warn the local wildlife/pets that find their way into my yard. Squirrels, birds, cats... they like to lounge around in the grass.  Honestly, I don't know why we get all the neighborhood cats either.  We pick up dog waste immediately and have sealed garbage cans, yet one day I went out back and found four - yes FOUR - cats napping in the yard.

Come to my house and THIS is what awaits you.
Anyway, like I said, if I'm taking the dogs outside, I'll try to shoo everyone away by knocking on the door, call out the windows, etc... until they all reach safety.  Not that they've ever caught one of the visitors without divine intervention or would even know what to do if they caught one.  Still, I don't want to take the chance and/or worry that one could be sick.

This approach doesn't always work.

Friday, March 9, 2012

When to Perform the Puppy Heimlich Maneuver

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything on this blog and a friend reminded me of that a couple of days ago.  He said that he missed my dog stories, so this post is for him.

I need to keep slim
so I watch what I eat
Lola, the Chihuahua, is a very picky eater.  I’d say about 50% of the time, she doesn’t eat her breakfast and about 25% of that 50% requires me to sit next to her while she eats, or she’ll sit and growl at the pugs.  I’m like her little Chihuahua bodyguard.